Lovely mischievous face!!! My favorites. Couldn't wait to see him help himself
He let everyone know he was in charge. Had a problem with 1 of my dogs, big girl, Redbone Coonhound. Long story short, diet of vegetables and SALAD!!! Every night I make her dinner and say as I put it down IT'S TUCK APPROVED!! Sometimes I do that with my husband. LOL Tuck will always be with us in our own ways. Lost 2 Old English Sheepdogs in 7 months. Couldn't grieve, had another that was having a hard time. I sat down and watched her eat all the asparagus!!!! She never took anything from the garden. Mike sat next to me, we were both happy and he said maybe you should monitor what she watches on UTube. I knew he was talking about Tuck. Hope that makes you 😃